Mr. Mulligan 24 inch FAC scale

Mr. Mulligan 24 inch FAC scale
This is a 24 inch wingspan balsa scale model of the famous Mr.Mulligan racer of the late 1930s. This particular plan was drawn with the FAC scale Thompson Trophy or Bendix mass launch events in mind. The design is optimized for free flight so that she should come in at a low all up weight, trim out easily, and be strong enough to withstand the rough and tumble of free flight flying. Don Deloach and I both built prototypes and both came in under 50 grams.
Special Features: Hand selected and graded wood. DT mechanism designed into the kit, 3D radial engine, built up cowl. Geodetic wing construction around the wing roots. Self jigging flight surface assemblies, lightened ply for high strength areas, laminated flight surface outlines.
Kit includes: All wood required to build the model except longerons, and wing spars and leading edges, but including all cross braces for fuselage, tapered stringers, balsa wheels, ply jigs for cowl construction, and three forms for laminated flight surface outlines .
Does not include prop, hardware for front end, spars and laminating wood.
To simplify ordering I have devised five basic kit purchase options (you can customize your order by filling your cart as needed on the various product pages):
Bare bones - a simple short kit with all items described above excluding the plan (you buy the digital plan here and print it yourself and select your prop if you want one here)
Basic - Short kit, and a single sheet folded printed plan (select your prop if you want one here ).
Basic plus - Short kit, a single sheet folded printed plan and 9.5 inch prop kit.
Full meal deal “clean” - short kit, printed plan, 9.5 inch prop kit, and full clean machine printed tissue set.
Full meal deal “dirty” - short kit, printed plan, 9.5 inch prop kit, and full dirty birdy printed tissue set.
7. and 8. are the same as 3. 4. and 5. except that the prop kit is a 9.5” GizmoGeezer plastic prop with front end.
Select your preferred option below.