26" Bowers Fly Baby

26" Bowers Fly Baby
Roger Winger and I collaborated on this design for a 26” rendition of Peter Bowers’ well known and much loved American homebuilt (first flight 1962). To my eye it is basically a low wing Cub and just like the cub it is a great flyer. Roger did the drawing and all of the balsa layout with some input from me. I did the tissue design work (which has been corrected for the small errors that can be seen on Roger’s prototype). The prototype came in at just under 40g which for a 26” model is very good. I expect that this one will need a DT if flown outdoors.
Kit includes all sheet parts, plus trailing edges, laser cut strip wood, ply parts as well as a Gizmo Geezer thrust button and a 7” and 10” prop (you pick the one that suites your flying - ROG vs hand launch).
If you want tissue this can be ordered separately from the printed tissue page. You will see two variations - N500F (original fly baby) and N502F (Jim Katz’s replica which is currently flying). If you want to compete in scale events then the Jim Katz version is ideal because I can supply a bunch of photos.