Stahl Spitfire Mk. V 28" span

Stahl Spitfire Mk. V 28" span
This is Paul Bradley’s rendition of the classic Stahl Spitfire with some minor modifications (scale fin, 3D printed parts etc.). Paul built the prototype kit seen in the photos and everything went more or less to plan. Mike Kelly scratch built his own version with the scale fin as used in this kit and it flies very well. This model should make for an excellent FAC simple scale or WW2 mass launch model. It also qualifies for the Battle of Britain mass launch event. See flight/build video here and here.
The standard kit includes all sheet parts, plus trailing edges, stab and fin components and ply parts as well as a Gizmo Geezer thrust button a vacuum formed canopy, and a set of 3D printed parts (spinner and air scoops etc. The quality of these resin printed parts is superb (as good as injection moulded parts).
If you would like to purchase the printed tissue for this aircraft you can find the tissue here