24" Simplified-scale Hurricane based on Comet dime scale plan

24" Simplified-scale Hurricane based on Comet dime scale plan
This is basically the Comet dime scale plan scaled up by 150% and using 3/32 wood for easy building and strength. I have added riblets and a few other tweaks to make it slightly stronger and easier to build and additional side and bottom stringers for a more rounded fuselage. The resulting structure is light but rugged and should make for an excellent FAC simple scale or WW2 mass launch model. It also qualifies for the Battle of Britain mass launch event.
Kit includes all sheet parts, plus trailing edges, fuselage verticals. longerons, cross pieces and ply parts as well as a Gizmo Geezer thrust button and parts for a laminates spinner. Also comes with a sheet of paper parts including fillets, tail wheel, tail light and a pilot.
Kit includes - a simple short kit with all items described above plus a plan printed on 11×17 sheets, two props (7” and 9.5”) gizmo thrust button and the printed tissue.