Verdi Rocket long-kit

Verdi Rocket long-kit
I am offering a long kit for Carl Verdi's "Rocket". It is a 36" span stick model featuring a single bladed folding propeller. The plan was originally published in the August 1941 issue of Model Airplane News.
The long-kit includes all wood parts including sheet fuselage and trailing edges. The fuselage is designed with interlocking parts which allows the builder to slot everything together accurately. Kit includes fuselage longerons and cross pieces.
The are two plan options: you can download the plan from the plan download page. Or you can opt for a paper plan included in the kit.
Kit does NOT include tissue, wire, prop or carbon wing joiner tubes. If you want to buy a prop as well see the prop page: The prop will be semi complete (the blades will be formed and hinged to the hub using a compound angle jig and assembly jig to ensure a goof fold). The prop does require that you add the counter weight and do the finishing work.
You can purchase the kits with a printed plan or you can purchase a digital plan from the digital plans page here in which case you should opt for the long kit with no plan.