Elite Skyrocket AMA one design model for 2019 (29" span)

Elite Skyrocket AMA one design model for 2019 (29" span)
This is a short kit for the Elite skyrocket, AMA’s one design choice for the 2019 Nats. All the ribs, sheet parts for wings, stab fin and fuselage, and nose block, as well as notched TE segments for the wing and Stab. I also provide all of the fuselage cross-pieces in light 1/8th stock. The original was built using mainly 3/32 strip wood. I have redrawn the plan per Don DeLoach’s suggestion so that you can use 1/8th strip wood. This will make for a more robust construction while still being plenty light. There are also several little details included on my plan and in the kit that will make for a nicer model that is easy to set up and adjust. The fuselage has been widened at the nose to accommodate a blast tube (7/8” OD) and I have added some sheet reinforcement to the motor anchor area and the stab mount for added stability and made the fin easy to remove. Also I have devised a Dt mechanism and stab mounting plate.
I redrafted the plan to fit with the parts provided in the kit and included building and flying notes. You can buy and download the digital plan from my plans download page or I can print one for you (please select the printed plan option when you order).