ToTo 1952 Wakefield

ToTo 1952 Wakefield
I am offering both short and long kits for Rene Jossien's famous ToTo wakefield of 1952. The design was revolutionary for the time and achieved success in France. See Ramon Alban's articles on the Toto here
The long kit contains everything except the hardware and propeller assembly; long wood, trailing edges and jigs are included as well as all of the plywood bits. The wings and stabilizer are built using an interlocking self-jigging system to ensure a straight warp free structure.
The short kit is a traditional ribs and sheet wood only short kit that is not "self jigging". No hardware or plywood parts are included.
To make building easier consider our fuselage building tools (see the tools section)
Plans: you can purchase the kit with a printed plan or you can purchase a digital plan from the digital plans page here