"Surpriz" Wakefield by Rene Jossien: shortkit

"Surpriz" Wakefield by Rene Jossien: shortkit
I am offering a plan and kits for Rene' Jossien's classic 1956 wakefield design. This low wing wakefield is basically the larger twin of the Rene's beautiful Aillbass coupe. All of Jossien's designs are great flyers and this graceful bird is sure to please. The plan was drawn by Jim O Riley under commission from Robert Vander Voort both of whom have granted permission for HMP to sell kits and plans.
I am offering two kit types: a long kit that includes most of the parts required to assemble the model including trailing edges, fuselage cross pieces, and wing/stab spars but excluding the fuselage longerons, stringers and hardware.
The short kit is just for ribs and sheet wood (tip pieces, formers etc.).
I also offer a prop option (go to the prop page here to purchase a prop). The prop will arrive in the form of laminated blades predrilled but not finished; builder makes prop hangers.
Plans: you can purchase the kits with a printed plan (just add the printed plan to your cart, it will be shipped folded in your kit) or you can purchase a digital plan from the digital plans page here
Note the design is reported in some places as dating to 1959 but it shows up in the 1958 aeromodeller annual as a drawing (see image) which includes a ROG peg and a geared twin skein motor (basically two 20 strand by 1/8th motors which would be equivalent to 80g of rubber) …. The Nostalgia rubber cutoff is 1956 which is the year that 80g motors and ROG were voted out (replaced by 50g motors and hand launch). This evidence is taken as placing Surpriz firmly in the 1956 or earlier era and qualifies it for Nostalgia rubber.