24 inch simplified scale Mr. Smoothie

24 inch simplified scale Mr. Smoothie
This is basically the Isermann dime scale plan scaled up by 150%. The result is a model built entirely using 3/32 balsa. The resulting structure is light but rugged and should make for an excellent FAC greve racer.
Kit includes all sheet parts, plus trailing edges, and ply parts.
To simplify ordering I have devised five basic kit purchase options (you can customize your order by filling your cart as needed on the various product pages):
Bare bones - a simple short kit with all items described above excluding the plan (you can get the digital plan here and print it yourself and select your prop if you want one here)
Basic - Short kit, and a single sheet folded printed plan (select your prop if you want one here ).
Basic plus - Short kit, a single sheet folded printed plan gizmo geezer adjustable thrust button and a 9.5 inch prop kit.
Full meal deal - short kit, printed plan, gizmo geezer adjustable thrust button and a 9.5 inch prop kit, and full red printed tissue set.
and 6 same as 3. and 4. but with Gizmo Geezer front end with 9.5” plastic prop.