White tissue

White tissue
Plain white Japanese tissues: I sell three types of plain white Japanese tissue -
1. Mitsumata 79 is a 12.6 g/sq. m Japanese tissue. This is the tissue used for all of my tissue printing. Most of the models on this site are covered with this tissue. It covers very well, has decent wet strength and a nice feel and finish. It comes in three sizes: 11x17, 13x19, and 36”x39”.
2. Gifu tissue - 8.73 g/sq. m - this is a porous Japanese tissue. It reminds me of the old model span in terms of feel and texture. Just a lot lighter. I have used it for making printed decals that are then doped onto balsa or tissue. This is a thin light tissue so the tissue cals are almost invisible when doped.
3. Tottori Tissue - 11.27g/sq. m - this tissue is pruduced in Tottori Prefecture and is the tissue of choice for world renowned free flight scale modeller Jiro Sugimoto. Jiro told me that he usually preshrinks the tissue on a frame and then coats it with thinned dope. He then sands with very fine paper to get the smoothest possible finish before airbrushing for color and then applying the tissue to his model. I would not be quite so careful myself. The tissue has a nice finish and would be fine just as is without all of the pre-covering work that Jiro does. Of course, his results are hard to argue with. The size of these tissue sheets is fixed at ~10.25x14.5”.