Old School F1B

Old School F1B
I have several F1bs for sale. Some are fairly modern (Orange and yellow wings) and would be competitive on today’s flight line. Others are a bit older and although still perfectly capable of maxing out would be great for a beginner. Some of these models are electronic models with first gen. Black Magic timers (I would want to upgrade the timer to the latest generation) and others are mechanical models. Shown here are two of a group of five models that are up for sale.
The Yellow and Orange wing is a fairly modern model with electronic timer, variable pitch Gorban front end and fuselage assembly and D-box wings. The Orange and Yellow wings use the same BE6156 airfoil employed on the sate of the art all carbon “Orca” models. It comes with a spare set of prop blades.
The second model shown here with red stab and black fuselage and “patches” wing covering is a mechanical Vivchar model that comes with a standard fixed pitch front end that allows the prop blades to fold flat against the fuselage. This model is rigged for RDT using a separate servo that world in concert with the mechanical timer so that you can use one of the standalone RDT systems to RDT this model or you can simply fly it as is with only the mechanical timer. This ship is great for a beginner to F1B. When trimmed it will be perfectly capable of maxing out at any contest and with some luck could make it deep into any flyoff. The wings are the well respected Vivchar asymmetric wings. Model comes with a spare set of prop blades.