Folkert Sk3/4 Peanut

Folkert Sk3/4 Peanut
I designed this model for Flying Aces Club competition and sport flying. The design has good form having been a winner in the hands of Bill Henn and a few others. This kit contains over 200 laser cut parts on several sheets of contest balsa as well as a sheet of 1/64 ply parts. The kit includes all sheet wood parts to make the airframe, nose block, nose plug, spinner and wheels and a vac formed canopy. It also includes gusseted and slotted wing trailing edges, precut fuselage crosspieces and and a sheet for stripping spars and stringers. The builder supplies hardware for front end, undercarriage (if desired) and Dt mechanism (if desired)). The kit will also include a paper pilot, paper trim details, and an instrument panel.
Kit Variants: You can by a basic kit which has all of the wood and a paper parts sheet but no tissue decals (buy this is you want to buy the full printed tissue set) or you can buy kit with tissue cal which adds a sheet of tissue decals that you can dope onto an airframe that you pre-cover with white tissue.
The model in the images below was built by John Cooper in the UK for indoor competition. He used hummingbird printed tissue and has since replaced the prop with a smaller 6 inch prop. His model weighs 14g ready to fly.
You can buy tissue for the SK3 here
You can buy props and front ends here