F1B (Wakefield) high performance rubber powered competition airplane.

F1B (Wakefield) high performance rubber powered competition airplane.
These Wakefield (International Aviation Federation (FAI) sporting class F1B) competition airplanes have a minimum weight of 200g and fly with a maximum of 30 grams of rubber. The airplane has a flight surface area (wing + stabilizer) that falls between 17 and 19 sq. dcm (between 263.5 and 294.5 sq. inches). The propeller unit (front end) in this case is a variable pitch feathering system that requires the user to feather the blades prior to launching the airplane. When the Propeller unit is release by the clockwork timer the blade snap into their proper orientation and the propeller starts. Click here to see one of these flying.
I have several airplanes for sale. Most are new and never flown but of a slightly older vintage (2005 to 2015) and so they are on sale at a significant discount. These airplanes are still competitive and are more than capable of taking you to the final flyoff in any FAI contest.
Included in the price is the airplanes, bobbins and a half tube which allows you to transfer the wound motor from the winding stooge to the airplane. Click here for a video that shows the basic process.
You can see the process of loading a fully wound motor, the feathering and the launch here
I also have some used airplanes that may require a bit of work to tidy them up (maybe recovering the wigs or adding a functioning electronic timer). These used models are the same as the new models above except that they have fuselages that are set up for electronics timers and they have wings that are not Gorban wings (wings are made by other manufacturers)