Oberursel UR.II.

Oberursel UR.II.
The Oberursel UR.II. was a straight copy of the LeRhone 9J Rotary engine but made in Motorenfrabrik Oberursel near Frankfurt in Germany. This engine was used in the Fokker D VIII. as well as other aircraft like the Fokker DR1 and Fokker DVIII. I have adapted my scale model of the LeRhone to the Oberursel geometry (the crankcase is flipped around with the exhaust manifolds entering behind rather than in front of the cylinders). I can print this engine for you at any scale you specify (between 1:12 scale and 1:4 scale). I can print it at smaller scales but I will need to make changes to ensure a reliable print (mainly fewer cooling fins on the engine cylinders because they get too thin at small scales). For larger prints (1:4 scale the print will be broken up into additional subassemblies and will be more expensive because it takes more resin and more time to print). My design was configured with Free Flight rubber power in mind but it can be adapted to electric or CO2 powered models and I am happy to discuss special modifications for your specific application. The images show the 1:12 scale prototype model.
Pricing: The price is for a standard 1:12 scale full kit or cylinder. If you want a custom scale that is close to 1:12 scale (e.g. 1:15 or 1:10 or 1:9 etc.) go ahead and buy the extra customization and I will scale it to your needs. You can order a full kit with crankcase, nose bearing, 9 cylinders, and 9 exhaust manifolds or you can order just the cylinder-exhaust manifold pairs.
If you would like a smaller or much larger version (1:20 scale or 1:5 scale etc.) or some other adjustment please get in touch using my email - hummingbirdmodelproducts”at”gmail.com (replace the “at” with the symbol “@”) so that we can discuss your needs and pricing.