1959 Hansen A1 glider kit

1959 Hansen A1 glider kit
This is a shortkit of the Hansen A1 glider. The kit includes all sheet parts including the entire fuselage, all of the wing and stabilizer ribs, fin and plywood stab mount and auto rudder components. You supply spars, leading and trailing edge stock, wire for the tow hook plus auto rudder spring, and tissue for covering. You can buy the kit with a single sheet plan or opt out of the plan and purchase the digital plan from my digital plans page here (you can print the plan on your own printer). Stuart Darmon has scratch built one of these (see picture of his ship) and provided the following note: “I built the Ray Hansen, which flies very well. It has a very large tail volume (both moment and area are big) so I trimmed it with 65% CG which seems to work well.”