Advanced "Bee" Hummer Catapult Glider

Advanced "Bee" Hummer Catapult Glider
This is a small 8.5 inch span catapult glider named for the smallest of the hummingbirds; the “Bee” Hummer. This model comes in two variants the simple and advanced. This one is the advanced version which comes with a 3/32” wing which is designed to be sanded to a precise airfoil and should be good for serious performance flying. These models can float for minutes in the lightest lift; you can expect to lose them so the kits will have a minimum of three gliders in each pack. See build and flight instructional videos here
For a general primer on catapult gliders go here
Both kit variants will come as a three pack (three models in a pack) and the simple version will come in six and twelve packs for classroom projects, family fun, and party projects. All kits will include a set of build jigs (one set per three models) and a set of launch sticks with rubber. You can choose whether you need one stick per glider or one stick per pack.
To see Tony Matthews’ build log of the very similar Stinger II go here stinger ii