Ultralight booms for free flight

Ultralight booms for free flight
from $16.00
These booms are good for Wakefield (F1b), Coupe (F1g) Andrade, open rubber, and electric models. Note that there are lighter booms (good for F1G and smaller electric) and heavier booms (good for larger models like F1B and F1Q, E36 and open rubber). Select a boom according to your needs but be careful about using a lighter boom on a larger model. It may not be strong enough to last many hard landings.
Strong E36/F1S/Small RC DLG boom - 747 mm long, 11.5 mm x 5.6 mm, 9 grams
F1A/RC glider boom - 16.5x6.2x874 mm carbon prepreg 14g boom
12 mm x1 00 mm carbon tube spar - 29grams. Good for RC glider spars.
10 mm x 100 mm carbon tube spar - 29grams. Good for RC glider spars.